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Volunteer and Join Us

Have you ever been at the scene of an accident, injury, or illness and wished you could do more to help. EMS just might be for you.
We have volunteer EMS positions for every level of commitment. All positions require able bodied individuals who are capable of working calmly in stressful situations. All candidates must live or work in Midland Park.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Our highest level of training and commitment. It requires 200+ hours of initial training and certification, but you’ll find it very rewarding. You will learn the skills needed to treat and care for patients in all manner of medical and trauma situations.
Age 18+

Driver / Lifter

Interested but maybe being an EMT is not for you? Or you want to see what it’s all about before jumping in? Driver/Lifters are essential in helping to get our ambulances out, especially at difficult times of the day. D/L is often an initial step into EMS before making a larger commitment.
Age 21+


Cadet - This program for High School students is ideal for those who are interested in becoming EMTs. You can apply before the end of February of your sophomore year in HS. The program starts at the end of the school year and runs through HS graduation. It requires the same 200+ hour Initial EMT Training, but hours and obligations are geared to younger participants with busy academic and extracurricular schedules. Age 16 by the end of the school year.

Students looking for volunteer hours?

We have a variety of opportunities, from cleaning the ambulances and bays to assisting with indoor or outdoor maintenance, to helping with fundraisers and filing. If you need the hours, we can use the help.

If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, please contact at:

An EMT’s Story

It’s 505 AM on a Tuesday Morning, my Motorola pager buzzes in the bedside cabinet drawer next to my ear. I glance at the digital clock next to me, and think 505 looks a lot like SOS, someone needs us. The pager crackles “Midland Park Ambulance, a full crew is needed on a general page for an 82 year old male fall victim (at the address of a local assisted living home)” “Full crew is needed on a general page”, that means no one is actually on duty so I am going. I reach for my cell phone, open the “I am Responding” App and punch in for the call. This tells dispatch out of Campgaw Road in Mahwah that I am on my way. We will need one more EMT or driver to also punch his or her smartphone App to complete the crew.

Calls at 5 am in the morning, especially on work days, are particularly tough, almost all our volunteers work full time so it’s the time we are getting up and getting ready for wor k, I know I am. However I am particularly lucky in that I have my own business, and although I have appointments in and around Midland Park throughout the day, I can, in a pinch, take out the 1 to 2 hours it takes us on average to attend to a patient in need. In the event we don’t have an available crew, dispatch will call a neighboring town to help. We call this “Mutual Aid” and yes we are sometimes called on to help our neighbor towns when they are in need and don’t have enough volunteers.

Back to the call, my heart is now starting to race as I pull on my pants, shirt, socks, shoes then reflective jacket, no time to brush my teeth, I’ll just suck on a mint we keep in the truck so as not to spread my “morning breath”. I’m first at the station (located at the Bolger Community center @ 471 Godwin Ave) and I see from the “I am Responding Dashboard” another EMT is on her way. It’s 5:10 AM and I start the truck, 90 seconds later my partner arrives and we are on our way. I pick up the radio and announce, “EMS Comm. Midland Park 589 is en-route to the local nursing home” (we have 2 Ambulances with call signs 588 and 589) After a few seconds dispatch acknowledges our call, “EMS Comm to 589, en-route to assisted living home, your time is 5:13”, 2 minutes later we are on scene at the assisted living home and our work begins.

Being an EMT is not easy, it takes time and dedication but if you want to give back to our community in a great way and enjoy a little excitement and comradery along the way come join us. 

Emergency Medical Information